sisters and cycles of beauty summer 2023
Now more than ever we need prayer. We need alternative ways to come into our innate power as a human, as a woman. We need to become rooted again within the wells and medicine of the Mother. We need connection, ceremony, community, ritual, play, and sacred space.
Sisters & Cycles of Beauty is a space to come together with women in sisterhood, to sit with plant teachers, and remember the ways of the wise ones. We come to give reverence to the earth mother for all she offers us. We come together to sit at the feet of the goddess and be held in her divine presence. We come together to hold space for one another in the deepest of ways.
After many years of serving women within these circles, we’ve come to observe that you can’t rush sisterhood if you yearn to go to the depths. And we do. So with that, we’ve chosen quality over quantity moving forward with this offering. These events will be more infrequent in days, but with longer hours spent together. We’ve come to realize that it’s not the quantity of time spent together, but the devoted quality. Each gathering will serve as a mini-day retreat to be able to dive deep with each other. Below are more details of what a day could look like:
11:00-1:00 - Working with herbs and plants. Exploring themes of the month.
1:00-2:00 - Lunch (soup & bread provided + potluck style wish to bring something)
2:00-4:00 - Circle of sharing, listening, song, movement
gathering dates & times
Honoring the cross-quarter moment between spring and summer. A time of celebrating the rising fertility of the land and the budding seeds within our hearts.
Welcoming the first blossoms of the earth and the ones mirrored in our own lives.
Dancing the sweet energy of summer into our bodies.
Making space for all the rising sweetness of summer and coming together to close this precious container until autumn.
To be held in community.
To be held in sacred space.
To be held and supported as we all give way for the seeds of our soul to flower into life.
To be held by the plants of Mother Earth.
To be held in ceremony and ritual.
To be held in your grief and in your praises.
To be held in beauty.
To be held in these cycles of life.
Beauty is our birthright. As we cycle through this labyrinth of time and space, as we shed and shine, learn and grow- we must have a space to come to as our journey’s bend. Embedded deep within the cells of our being are the codes of the Sacred, the Divine. But we have forgotten our power. We have disregarded the potential of our intuition. We have rested the answers to our questions in the hands of another.
The intention of Cycles of Beauty is to awaken the truth within you.
We are not here to heal you.
Others are not here to heal you.
You are here to heal you.
We understand the power of assistance and support outside of ourselves at points in life, and this is why we gather. This is why we show up for each other, face to face in circle, with the Earth and her seasons.Sisters & Cycles of Beauty is a seasonal immersion of ceremony and ritual. Each session we journey with a different plant ally. We wholeheartedly believe in the healing power, and divine wisdom the plants have to offer.
what is included:
Working with Seasonal Herbal Medicines
New + Full Moon Rituals
Beltane Ceremony
Summer Solstice Ceremony
Earth Offerings
Sharing Circles
Guided Meditations
Ancestral Remembering
So much more…
We will gather each session at our beautiful homestead 35 minutes east of Charlottetown. Transportation is not provided, but there will be a social network for people to discuss carpooling. Please arrive on time for each session!
Our work is with the Earth Mother, remembering her ways, offering our prayers of healing, and exploring the healing of her plants. We will gather each circle both outdoors and indoors, so please be prepared to brave the elements. (Outdoor clothing, hat, bug repellant, etc- depending on the weather and session). Please bring along a journal, mug, blanket and cushion.
your investment:
We are opening a few spaces for those who cannot attend all sessions but wish to participate in some.
If you wish to register for a single session the cost is $85.
Please get in touch below to book the session you wish to attend.
Space is limited for the single sessions so we suggest booking early!
Discount rate for BIPOC. Inquire within.
We also have space for one individual with financial insecurity. Please reach out.
If you are hearing the call to join us please apply below. You will hear back from us within a week.
We are so excited to weave with you!